A poetic account of grief and loss by Caroline Snedeker

Energy cannot be created or destroyed

So maybe,
We are dust
And to dust we shall return
But my father is more than a speck of dust, A bunny,
Trapped in a wooden box

My father is somewhere He is still something Somewhere,
He is still here

He whispers in the wind Soft whistles tangled in the trees Trying to tend to me

His touch grazes my skin
As raindrops fall
Followed by his deep snores Of groaning thunder

His body wraps me in warmth
As the summer season descends I absorb his love
As the sun burns my body

He is more alive now Then when he was living He can be anything, Anywhere, Anytime

Now Instead of Daddy's little girl, I am a daughter of nature Nurtured by his existing energy

His energy cannot be created or destroyed

Written by Caroline Snedeker


All About Anticipatory Grief